Year 3
From the Teachers
In Year 3, the Home Extended Learning Portal resources have been selected to complement learning taking place in classrooms. The resources are focused primarily on numeracy and literacy tasks. Students are encouraged to participate in conversations around other learning areas, which may form interesting starting points to research with the support of their families. A reminder that work completed through the Home Extended Learning Portal will not be assessed by teachers and therefore does not need to be sent into school.
At Garran Primary school we believe that literacy learning should feature in all learning areas of the curriculum and be interwoven through everything we do. Literacy is the means by which we communicate, whether by comprehending the thoughts, ideas and intentions of others, or in communicating our own thoughts, ideas and intentions. With this in mind we must build receptive skills (listening, reading and viewing) and expressive skills (speaking, writing, visually representing), as outlined in the Australian Curriculum.
At Garran Primary School we believe that learning Mathematics creates opportunities for, and enriches the lives of, our students. We believe that having a sound understanding of Mathematics is essential for our students to make sense of the world around them, enabling them to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently. We nurture our students to see themselves as capable mathematical thinkers, who can apply mathematical reasoning skills and understanding in their everyday lives.
A strong sense of wellbeing provides children with self-confidence and optimism which can maximise learning potential. It includes feelings of life satisfaction, happiness, and social adaptability as well as good physical health. A strong sense of wellbeing encourages children to explore their environment, interact positively with others and can create a sense of agency in students.
Curriculum Overview
Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing)
By the end of Year 3, students understand how content can be organised using different text structures depending on the purpose of the text. They understand how language features, images and vocabulary choices are used for different effects. They read texts that contain varied sentence structures, a range of punctuation conventions, and images that provide extra information. They use phonics and word knowledge to fluently read more complex words. They identify literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different parts of a text. They select information, ideas and events in texts that relate to their own lives and to other texts. They listen to others’ views and respond appropriately using interaction skills.
Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)
Students understand how language features are used to link and sequence ideas. They understand how language can be used to express feelings and opinions on topics. Their texts include writing and images to express and develop, in some detail experiences, events, information, ideas and characters. Students create a range of texts for familiar and unfamiliar audiences. They contribute actively to class and group discussions, asking questions, providing useful feedback and making presentations. They demonstrate understanding of grammar and choose vocabulary and punctuation appropriate to the purpose and context of their writing. They use knowledge of letter-sound relationships including consonant and vowel clusters and high-frequency words to spell words accurately. They re-read and edit their writing, checking their work for appropriate vocabulary, structure and meaning. They write using joined letters that are accurately formed and consistent in size.
English Resources
Get Epic!
Epic is the leading digital reading platform—built on a collection of 40,000+ popular, high-quality books from 250+ of the world’s best publishers—that safely fuels curiosity and reading confidence for kids 12 and under.
Typing club
Typing club is a free Interactive experience. This includes games, videos and different typing challenges that make learning fun. It has a proper hand posture guide that will show you the correct hand posture on every key as you type. Children will be engaged with levels, badges and stars. Please contact the class teacher for the login for Garran Primary.
Scholastic Story Starters
Story Starters inspire students to write by serving up hundreds of writing prompts in creative combinations. Students simply enter their name and age group and the website will generate awesome story starters to aid in creative story writing.
Cool Australia
Cool Australia educational materials are free units of work and lesson plans that are learning 'recipes' that help guide teaching. the include step-by-step instructions, worksheets, relevant curriculum links and real world content parents can relate to.
CommonLit offers a unique resource in support of literacy and critical thinking. The wonderful collection of free and accessible texts enables students to explore a variety of themes as well as helping students develop comprehension and deeper thinking.

Curriculum Overview
By the end of Year 3, students recognise the connection between addition and subtraction and solve problems using efficient strategies for multiplication. They model and represent unit fractions. They represent money values in various ways. Students identify symmetry in the environment. They match positions on maps with given information. Students recognise angles in real situations. They interpret and compare data displays. Students count to and from 10,000. They classify numbers as either odd or even. They recall addition and multiplication facts for single-digit numbers. Students correctly count out change from financial transactions. They continue number patterns involving addition and subtraction. Students use metric units for length, mass and capacity. They tell time to the nearest minute. Students make models of three-dimensional objects. Students conduct chance experiments and list possible outcomes. They conduct simple data investigations for categorical variables.
Mathematics Resources
Mathletics can provide valuable maths learning for students throughout their entire school journey, from the start of primary school to the end of secondary. As students mature, so does the program, providing updated visuals, challenges, and activities that will keep them captivated with maths. Every Student at Garran Primary has an account with Mathletics.
Dr Paul Swan
Dr. Paul Swan is an inspirational mathematics consultant from Western Australia, who shares his exciting ideas, videos, and resources on his site. His website has plenty of free maths resources and games for students of all ages and abilities. There is also a FREE teaching at home hub full of exciting maths games and resources.
Topmarks is a leading independent educational website for children, teaching professionals and parents. Topmarks gives children the opportunity to learn online, through safe, fun and engaging games and activities.
Education.com provides a large database of printable worksheets and activities for students covering many curriculum areas.
With IXL, your children will learn at their own pace—IXL's adaptive questions automatically adjust to just the right level of difficulty. A wide variety of question types keeps practice sessions fresh and enables all types of learners to reach their full potential.

At Garran Primary School we strongly believe that the best learning takes place when student's have a chance to not only focus on curriculum but also on their own personal wellbeing. This may include getting a good nights sleep, eating healthy food, exercising, having time to decompress and debrief at the end of the day and spending quality time with family, carer's and friends. Looking after ones wellbeing will look different for everyone.

Wellbeing Resources
Cosmic Yoga
Cosmic Kids Yoga was created to introduce the benefits of yoga and mindfulness while kids are having fun. They use stories, role-play and a good portion of silliness to make yoga and mindfulness fun for kids. Cosmic Kid's Yoga encourages children to move and stretch their bodies. It also teaches a focus on breathing, relaxation and visualisation.
Smiling Mind
Learning mindfulness does not start or end in the classroom, parents and family members also play a key role. Smiling Mind is a unique tool developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life.\
Kidspot Kids Cooking
Get the kids in the kitchen and making these fun recipes that will keep both their hands and brains busy!
Best Colouring pages for Kids
Mandalas bring relaxation and comfort to people all over the world. This webpage allows you to print out mandalas of varying difficulties for your children to colour.
When we teach mindfulness to kids, we equip them with tools to build self-esteem, manage stress, and skillfully approach challenges. Explore the guide on how to introduce mindfulness and meditation to your children... at any age.
Hey Sigmund
Every day there are stunning new insights into the human mind and the way we work, love, play, behave, relate, think and feel. We are learning more and more about what it means to be human, and how to master the art. Now more than ever, anybody who is any version of human has something to gain from the science of psychology. This website contains the latest research and news in psychology. It attempts to bring psychology into the mainstream, unfolding the brilliance that happens within the scientific realm. The website contains videos that help explain anxiety to children and adults alike as well of ideas for coping strategies for all different ages.
Highlights Kids
highlights kids help children become their best selves by publishing content and creating experiences that engage, delight, and foster joyful learning. These include, puzzles, games, articles, recipes and craft ideas.